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Baltimore Med Mal Lawyers / Maryland Failure to Place a Cerclage Lawyer

Maryland Failure to Place a Cerclage Lawyer

When a woman has suffered multiple miscarriages, it could be due to an incompetent cervix. The cervix is the lowest part of the uterus. To treat this condition, a doctor will perform a procedure called a cervical cerclage. This surgical procedure involves sewing the cervix shut so that it can hold the baby inside the uterus until it is time for labor.

Cervical cerclage is typically done in the third month of pregnancy (12-14 weeks). However, some women may need one later on in the pregnancy. Doctors will need to monitor this condition and make appropriate decisions.

If your doctor failed to place a cerclage and caused you or your baby to suffer complications, you may have legal options. Contact the experienced Maryland failure to place a cerclage lawyers at Wais, Vogelstein, Forman, Koch & Norman.

What is Cervical Incompetence?

One of the common causes of frequent miscarriage is an incompetent cervix. This condition occurs when the muscle fibers of the cervix are weak. In a normal pregnancy, the cervix stays closed and holds the baby in the uterus till labor starts. In cases of cervical incompetence, though, the cervix will start opening once the baby reaches a certain weight. This usually occurs when the woman is 4-7 months pregnant.

When the baby leaves the cervix, there is typically not much pain. The woman may feel some pressure in the lower abdomen and may experience excessive discharge. If there is no treatment, she will lose the baby.

What Causes Cervical Incompetence?

A weak cervix can be caused by a woman having multiple miscarriages in the second trimester. An abortion can also damage the cervix, as can surgery.

However, in some cases, there is no known cause for cervical weakness. The woman may be born with it, which means she may experience problems with the very first pregnancy. Keep in mind that once cervical incompetence occurs, it will happen with all subsequent pregnancies.

What Happens Before and After Cervical Cerclage?

Most women have anesthesia for pain control during the procedure. The doctor will stitch a band of strong thread around the cervix. Once the thread is tightened, it will hold the cervix shit so that the baby cannot accidentally fall out.

There may be mild cramps and light bleedings after the cerclage. The woman may stay in the hospital overnight to be monitored for premature contractions or labor. You should relax at home for several days afterward. Abstain from sex for one week.

The cerclage is generally removed at the 37th week of pregnancy, but can be done earlier if contractions start. Stitches are removed in the doctor’s office.

Contact Us Today

Failure to place a cerclage can put the mother and baby at risk. It’s important that a doctor monitors pregnant women for weak cervixes and prevents premature labor.

Improper monitoring and management of pregnancy by a doctor can lead to medical malpractice. If you have experienced serious complications due to a doctor’s negligence, contact the experienced personal injury lawyers at Wais, Vogelstein, Forman, Koch & Norman for legal advice. Schedule a free consultation by calling 410-998-3600.

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