The Truth About Medical Malpractice Lawyers
Look at any phone book or do a Google search looking to find a medical malpractice lawyer in Philadelphia and you are bound to be bombarded with countless firms offering their “medical malpractice services.” The truth, however, is that many of the firms who advertise for medical malpractice cases actually do not litigate those malpractice cases. Most of these firms will advertise for medical malpractice cases and then simply refer those cases out to the very few select firms that actually focus their entire practice on filing and prosecuting medical negligence cases.
The truth is that medical malpractice litigation is without a doubt the most complex type of litigation maybe with the exception of antitrust work. And while it is easy to simply sign a client up who may have a malpractice case – prosecuting that case is very difficult unless the lawyer truly specializes in malpractice work. Every malpractice case is different because of the vast array of medical care that is available and the highly variable ailments that people suffer from. Obviously, with complexity also comes cost. A typical malpractice case will have up to ten thousand dollars (10,000.00) invested by the lawyers before they even know if it is a meritorious case or not. If the malpractice lawyer’s investigation is successful and the case is prosecuted the costs of the cases can easily exceed Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars (250,000.00). Mind you this is just for the chance to win the case and if the case is not successful the law firm must eat that cost. Clearly, if a lawyer is not skilled and versed in the nuances of medical malpractice work and chooses to prosecute some non –meritorious cases there going to go out of business very quickly.
Anyone who is seeking to find a malpractice lawyer to help them should be aware that the firm with the biggest ad may not even do malpractice work. Any client should research their lawyers much like they research their doctors. If you have a malpractice case you want the true medical malpractice professionals to be on your side. Firms that can handle the complexity of medical malpractice work and the costs that are associated with these significant cases are few and far between.