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Baltimore Med Mal Lawyers / Baltimore Birth Injury Lawyer / Baltimore Delivery Room Error Lawyer

Baltimore Delivery Room Error Lawyer

Experienced Attorneys in Baltimore, Maryland Serving Clients Nationwide

Most babies are delivered at a hospital in a labor and delivery room. If there are complications during the delivery, the mother may be transferred to a delivery room with additional medical equipment. A variety of delivery room errors can result in devastating birth injuries, which can be the result of improper fetal monitoring or the failure to take preventative action when warning signs occur. The majority of delivery room errors result in debilitating and lasting injuries.

If your child has suffered a birth injury and you believe it is the result of a medical mistake in the delivery room, you and your family may be eligible for compensation, which can be recovered by our Baltimore delivery room error lawyers.

The most severe cases result in a lifetime of medical care and special needs, or even death.

Sometimes when babies are born, especially if they are premature, they can have trouble breathing. If a baby is in severe respiratory distress intubation may be required. Intubation is when the doctor puts a tube down the baby’s throat to deliver oxygen to the baby’s lungs. This assists the baby with breathing. Prior to intubation, it is critical that the neonatologist select the correct size tube. If a tube is too small or too large it will not work and the baby will not get the necessary oxygen. If a baby goes to long without oxygen when he or she is in respiratory distress after delivery, the baby can experience acidosis and ultimately brain damage. An intubation tube also needs to be placed correctly to make sure it is working adequately. A color coded monitor lets the physician know it if is working correctly. Sometimes physicians fail to use the monitor and just assume that an endotracheal tube is placed correctly. Then when the baby is transferred to the nursery and starts to look sick it is too late. The baby has already suffered injury because the physician did not take the simple step of confirming that the intubation tube was properly placed.

Premature babies are especially delicate and require special attention in the immediate newborn period. A common delivery room error occurs when the obstetrical and nursing staff fail to ensure that the necessary personnel are present at delivery to take care of a premature baby. Premature babies can be born with respiratory problems, infections and other problems. It is key that the proper personnel be in attendance at the time of delivery so the appropriate level of care can be delivered to the premature baby.

Another delivery room error occurs when the obstetrical staff fail to recognize that a baby is not going to be delivered vaginally. Babies can often get stuck in the birth canal making it impossible for the baby to be born naturally. In those cases, a cesarean section is required. A common precursor to a baby getting stuck are arrest disorders such as arrest of descent and arrest of dilatation. Arrest of descent occurs when the baby fails to descend down the birth canal through the natural forces of labor. Arrest of dilatation occurs when a mother’s cervix fails to dilate through the natural forces of labor. These arrest disorders are often misdiagnosed, which can result in the mother unnecessarily attempting to push her baby out of the birth canal.

Birth injuries that result from delivery room mistakes and failures typically occur when hospital staff are poorly trained or act negligently. In addition to improper intubation, and failing to diagnose arrest disorders, other common errors include the failure to monitor vital signs, the failure to perform a Caesarean section, or the failure to administer medication. Common birth injuries include cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, brain damage, shoulder dystocia, hematoma, and facial paralysis.

What are the most common delivery room errors that lead to birth injuries?

Common delivery room errors include failure to properly monitor fetal distress, improper intubation, delayed C-sections, misuse of delivery tools like forceps or vacuum extractors, and failure to respond to complications in high-risk pregnancies. These mistakes can result in serious birth injuries such as cerebral palsy, brain damage, Erb’s palsy, and other lifelong medical conditions. If you suspect a delivery room error caused harm to your child, a Baltimore delivery room error lawyer can help evaluate your case.

How do I prove that a delivery room error caused my child’s birth injury?

To establish a medical malpractice claim, you must show that the healthcare providers involved failed to meet the standard of care expected in a delivery room setting. This often requires expert testimony from medical professionals who can explain how a competent doctor or nurse would have acted under similar circumstances. A Baltimore delivery room error attorney can gather medical records, consult expert witnesses, and build a strong case to demonstrate negligence.

What compensation can I recover in a delivery room error lawsuit?

Families affected by delivery room errors may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, ongoing therapy and rehabilitation, assistive devices, lost future earnings, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. In cases of extreme negligence, punitive damages may also be awarded. A Baltimore birth injury lawyer can help you seek the maximum compensation to ensure your child receives the lifelong care they need.

Contact Our Law Office For a Free Evaluation

If your child suffered a birth injury due to a preventable delivery room mistake, you deserve answers and justice. The experienced Baltimore delivery room error lawyers at Wais, Vogelstein, Forman, Koch & Norman are dedicated to holding negligent medical providers accountable and securing the compensation your family needs. Contact us today for a free case evaluation at 410-998-3600 or fill out our online form to discuss your legal options.

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